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Monday, December 9, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Diet Review

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Review

The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar are seemingly endless; It can make your hair shine, your house sparkly clean, regular the pH levels of your skin, remove coffee and cigarette stains from your teeth, reduce heartburn, and best of all, it’s a proven effective weight loss method. The Apple Cider Vinegar diet doesn’t claim to be a miracle weight loss method and neither does skinny fiber, but more accurately together they both will lead to gradual and healthy weight loss.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Review

There has been moderate research on the effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on weight loss and there have been a few established theories behind its effectiveness. First and foremost, apples are a great source of pectin, a polymeric carbohydrate and it can help you feel fuller faster and suppress your appetite. Apple Cider Vinegar has the same about of pectin as apples and therefore it has the same appetite-suppressing reaction. In a study conducted in 2005 on 12 participants found those who ate a slice of bread and drank vinegar felt fuller faster and longer.

Apple Cider Vinegar is highly acidic and acid generally aids with the digestion of proteins and by increasing the amount of acid you have in your stomach before sitting down for a meal your body is already better prepared for digestion, skinny fiber really helps well with this as well because it has digestive enzymes, so doing both at the same time is a great idea. The result of greater protein utilization and digesting is the formation of a growth hormone that leads to healthier metabolism. The acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar and digestive enzymes in skinny fiber promotes the absorption of iron which results in high oxygen utilization and this can also raise your metabolic rate and burn a lot of calories resulting in weight loss.

Another theory behind Apple Cider Vinegar weight loss is that it lowers blood sugar increases and in response our body produces less insulin. There is medical evidence that suggest lower insulin can result in weight loss.

In addition to gradual weight loss the Apple Cider Vinegar diet can help with feeling bloated after eating. The body naturally retains water, especially with a high-sodium diet and water weight can be significant. Apple Cider Vinegar has a large amount of potassium, which can flush the sodium content out of your body and lead to weight loss and feeling less bloated.

What Apple Cider Vinegar should I use?

There are two standard types of Apple Cider Vinegar: pasteurized and filtered. The filtered is usually used for cooking and cleaning, and pasteurized or unfiltered is used for a dietary supplement. There are a lot of Apple Cider Vinegar options in the grocery store and if you can try to purchase unfiltered, raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar, however, you might have to go to a health food store to find this.

There are also Apple Cider Vinegar tablets, however, there is not much research on their effectiveness and the vinegar content may vary dramatically between brands so be diligent on reading the content of the pills if you decide to use them.

How do I use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss?

You don’t have to drink glasses of Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss. By having 2 tbsp. 3 times per day along with skinny fiber before each meal, you will notice results. However, sometimes people opt to drink Apple Cider Vinegar just one time per day, preferably in the morning.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a potent acidic liquid and it can take some time to get use to drinking. Many people dilute it by mixing with water, honey, sugar, or a fruit juice to make it more enjoyable to drink.

Basic Apple Cider Vinegar recipe:

• 1-2 teaspoons raw Apple Cider Vinegar
• 1 glass water

Hot Apple Cider Vinegar recipe:

• 1 cup hot water
• 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
• Squeeze of lemon
• 1 Tbsp. of raw honey
• Pinch of cinnamon

Cold Apple Cider Vinegar recipe:

• 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
• 2 Tablespoons all natural apple juice
• 6 ounces of cold water
• 4 drops of liquid stevia (flavor is up to you)
• Pinch of cinnamon
• 1-2 cubes of ice

Side Effects Of The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

It is always important to consider potential side effects with every diet. Apple Cider Vinegar is completely natural and it is generally regarded as a very safe weight loss supplement. However, some may experience heartburn or stomach pain. As a general rule of thumb, do not exceed more than 7 tbsp per day.

If you are looking for immediate weight loss then the Apple Cider Vinegar diet probably isn’t going to be your preferred method, but the great benefit of this weight loss method is that the results are permanent. In addition to weight loss and weight management you will notice a healthier complexion and an overall improved feeling of well-being. Apple Cider Vinegar is 100% natural and can be the perfect partner on your journey to healthy weight loss.

We suggest that if you are planning on trying this diet out to use Skinny Fiber along with it to maximize results or our Skinny Body Max.

See our Paleo Diet Review

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