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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Not Getting Enough Sleep At Night Can Make You Gain Weight

I'm overweight from not sleeping

How not getting enough sleep can affect your weight.

Not getting enough sleep has shown to affect peoples weight because they are more likely to eat and snack while being tired. It also is known that your body does most of it's metabolizing during your sleeping hours and that's why most people who get up in the morning have to use the bathroom the first thing. If you are not sleeping enough your body can't metabolize like it once did and then you are not helping with keeping the weight off you are just helping to add the pounds on because your body isn't metabolizing correctly.

Your hormones that help you keep a normal appetite "Leptin and Grehlin" get all out of wack and are tossed off the chart so therefore it makes your appetite shoot to the moon, but wait theirs more :) not only does it make your appetite out of control, but also you won't feel full even though you are so you end up way overeating. Not only that, but there has been research done showing that when your brain is sleep deprived it craves high calorie foods that untimely make you gain weight.

Being overly tired also doesn't help you when it comes to exercise.

"I mean who wants to go out for a jog at 5 am when you only had 3 or 4 hours of sleep?"

being to tried to workoutNot only do you not want to work out when your not sleeping well you are also gaining weight and that has risk within itself such as leading you down a long and winding road of obesity, disease and cancers. The good news is that if you are having sleep issues and are unable to get a goods night rest you can change a few things in order to help you sleep better at night.

Things you can do to sleep better at night

Here are a few things to help you sleep better at night.

  • The first thing is if you drink coffee only have one cup in the morning.

  • Melatonin is a supplement that has shown to help people sleep better at night.

  • Turn the T.V. off and don't have on in your bedroom because if you get stuck on a show your going to stay up to watch it.

  • If you just had a baby forget about it and get use to not sleeping or nap when the baby naps. "I've been though this one".

How to sleep better at night

Well to sum it up being overly tired can dramatically affect your sleep and cause you to become overweight. It is best to get as much sleep as you can even if you are a super busy business man or women do your best and possibly taking a break every now and then from work isn't such a bad thing if you can let it go for a few days then do or have someone cover for you because you can not put a price tag on health and your body needs sleep or you will pay the price of your health and weight.

Have some great ideas that will help people sleep better at night please share them in a comment below.

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